IRS begins correcting tax returns for unemployment compensation income exclusion; periodic payments to be made May through summer

Author: External Author | | Categories: Tax Office , Tax Planning , Tax Preparation Firm , Tax Returns

 The Internal Revenue Service will begin issuing refunds this week to eligible taxpayers who paid taxes on 2020 unemployment compensation that the recently-enacted American Rescue Plan later excluded from taxable income.

The IRS identified over 10 million taxpayers who filed their tax returns prior to the American Rescue Plan of 2021 becoming law in March and is reviewing those tax returns to determine the correct taxable amount of unemployment compensation and tax. This could result in a refund, a reduced balance due or no change to tax (no refund due nor amount owed).

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Original Article Source Credits:   IRS ,

Article Written By:  NA

Original Article Posted on:  May 14, 2021

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